Today Fourth Sunday in Lent (A)
9.45am Church open
11.30am Holy Baptism
9.30am Church open
Readings p 205
Wednesday (Feast of the Annunciation)
7.30pm Church open
Readings p1454
9.45am Phil Nelson’s Funeral
7.30pm Church open
Readings p 217
10.00am Church open
Next Week Fifth Sunday in Lent (A)
9.45am Church open
For those in need
especially for all affected by Covid19
for Sarah Doyle, Matthew Howes, Rita Lakeland, Margaret Garner,
Doreen Timmins, Mark Hands, Tony Evans, Adrian Evans, Brenda Foster,
Kevin Partridge, Stella Plaza, Alison Myatt, Janet Elvis, Rona Rix,
Eric Basket, Jane Herbert, George Sanders, Barry and Pauline Haycock,
Oscar Beardmore, all those affected by terrorism or disaster,
and those who mourn
For those who have died including
Andy Westwood, Alan Cook, John Wassall, Brian Dawes,
Tess Earp, Joan Stanyer, Terry Lowe, Baby Logan Hill, Ted Ward
and all who died from the Coronavirus
For those whose Year’s Mind falls now
Leah Lediard (March 23),
William Farnell, Joseph Howell (24),
Rose Ratcliffe, Father John Haigh (25),
Edith Wilkes (26),
Betty Pinner (27),
Madge Round, Robert David Hill, and Edna Gwilt (28)
Saturday 6 June
The Summer Fayre between 11.00 and 2.00
Saturday 21 November
The Christmas Fayre between 11.00 and 2.00
Thursday 10 December at 7.00pm
G Gibbs’ Christmas Memorial Service
Sunday 6 December at 3.00pm
S Webb & Son’s Christmas Memorial Service
Sunday’s readings and this newsletter
will be posted on my personal Facebook page (FrRon Farrell)
and on the Church’s Facebook page (saintfrancisfriarpark.com)
as well as on our website www.saintfrancisfriarpark.com.
Please keep a weather eye out for those Facebook and website pages
Saint Francis of Assisi, Friar Park
The Church of England at the heart of Friar Park
“following Christ in the footsteps of Saint Chad”
visit us @ www.saintfrancisfriarpark.com
Father Ron Farrell ssc
0121 – 556 5823
Fourth Sunday in Lent
22 March 2020
Not since the 13th Century have the English people
been told to close their churches to public worship.
But then again, this present situation is virtually unprecedented
in the last one hundred years.
While it is allowed,
it is my intention that Saint Francis shall remain open for prayer
at the usual times we have been used to celebrate Mass
(see the section ‘WORSHIP GOD THIS WEEK’).
I am prepared to bring Holy Communion to people who are ill,
and I will remain available day or night for those who are dying).
My Anglo-Catholic forebears in the cholera epidemics of the late 19th Century
continued to minister to their parishioners throughout that period.
I am attaching a form for Prayer with an Act of Spiritual Communion
which I hope everyone will feel able to use on Sunday mornings
until we return to what our ‘new normal’ turns out to be.
With Father Stuart Powell and Father Alan Howe,
we will endeavour to keep in contact with folk each week by phone (where we have the right number!).
But if you have any need, do phone and speak with me.
And I ask you to pray for your Priests, as we pray for you.
God bless you.
Philip Nelson R.I.P. – Funeral here this Thursday 26 March at 9.45am
Margaret Garner R.I.P. – Funeral here on Wednesday 1 April at 10.45am
(and at 7.30pm Church will be open as usual)
A FORM OF PRAYER for use during the Covid19 crisis
+ In the name of the Father and of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the Book of Revelation, Jesus says :
Behold, I stand at the door and knock.
If anyone hears my voice and opens the door,
I will come in to them and eat with them,
and they with me. (Rev 3.20)
If you have access to them, read this Sunday’s Scripture lessons
Take a little time reflect on what you have done this week.
Thank God for the good things,
and admit your need of his forgiveness
for the things you have done wrong
An Act of Contrition
O God, I am very sorry that I have sinned against you,
you who are goodness itself.
Forgive me for Jesus’ sake,
and help me not to sin any more.
Say the Lord’s Prayer slowly
An Act of Spiritual Communion
In union, dear Lord, with the faithful of all times and all places
who have offered to the Father your Blessed Body and Blood,
I desire to offer you praise and thanksgiving.
I believe that you are truly present in the Holy Sacrament.
And since I cannot now receive you sacramentally,
I beseech you to come spiritually into my heart.
I unite myself with you,
and embrace you with all the devotion of my soul.
Never let me be separated from you.
Let me live and die in your love. Amen.
Take a brief moment or two to thank God that, although you cannot be at Mass,
Jesus still comes to you in love
Jesus, my Lord, I thee adore.
O make me love thee More and more !
Come, Lord Jesus,
dwell in your servant in the fulness of your strength,
in the perfection of your ways,
and in the holiness of your Spirit,
and rule over every hostile power
in the might of your Spirit
and to the glory of your Father. Amen.
+ May the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ
preserve me, body and soul,
unto everlasting life. Amen.
Act of Praise and Thanksgiving
Blessed, praised and hallowed be Jesus Christ
on his throne of glory in Heaven
and in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. Amen.
Anima Christi
Soul of Christ, sanctify me.
Body of Christ, save me.
Blood of Christ, inebriate me.
Water from the side of Christ, wash me.
Passion of Christ, strengthen me.
O Good Jesus, hear me.
Within thy wounds hide me.
Suffer me not to be parted from thee.
From the malicious enemy defend me.
In the hour of my death call me
and bid me come to thee,
that with thy saints I may praise thee for ever and ever.
+ May the Lord bless us,
and keep us from all evil
and bring us to everlasting life. Amen.