This is Holy Week

Holy Week is the heart of the Christian Year.  We recall all that Jesus Christ underwent for our salvation, and the extremes to which God was prepared to go in order that you and I might be able to regain heaven.

You have a great opportunity this week to walk with Jesus Christ along the path that took him to Calvary and the grave.  And walking with him along the Way of the Cross we shall find it to be none other than the way to light and glory.

Each faithful Christian will want to share the Supper of the Lord on Maundy Thursday, want to stand by the Cross with Mary and the women on Good Friday, and to gather at Christ's tomb to know the joy of his resurrection on Holy Saturday.  Be there....

PALM SUNDAY - 17 April
9.45am: Sung Parish Mass

with blessing of palms and reading of the Passion

6.00pm: Way of the Cross & Benediction

MONDAY - 18 April

7.30pm: Mass and Exposition

with time for confession followed by Benediction 

TUESDAY - 19 April

9.30am: Mass

11.o0am: The Chrism Mass at Wednesbury

6.00pm: Mass at Allerton Court

7.30pm: Way of the Cross and Mass


7.30pm: Stations of the Cross and Mass

4.00pm: Confessions 

7.30pm: Mass of the Last Supper
with foot washing and stripping of the altars, followed by Watch at the Garden of Repose

11.00pm: Night Prayer

GOOD FRIDAY - 22 April
12.00 noon: Confessions

3.00pm: Liturgy of the Passion of Christ
with Veneration of the Cross

12.00 noon Confessions 

8.00pm: The Vigil of Easter, Baptisms & First Mass of the Resurrection 
with blessing of new fire and renewal of baptismal vows

EASTER DAY - 24 April
9.45am: Festal Mass for Easter Morning




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