Clair de Lune - Orchestral.mp3

GOD is just waiting to hear our prayer - not to change his mind, for his will for us is always loving and good. But just like a human conversation with one another in which we exchange our deepest thoughts and emotions, creating a living relationship, prayer is about forging a relationship with the one who has our best interests always in his heart.

If you would like us to pray for you (or for a loved one, living or departed, or for a specific intention) here at Saint Francis, please e-mail or phone your request in.  Say if you are happy to have the prayer posted on this page. And we will remember you at the daily offering of the Eucharist, that wonderful memorial of the sacrifice of Christ for the salvation of all.  

Pray that God may raise up more men to serve his Altars, and remember too the work of the Additional Curates Society and of the Anglican Catholic Vocations Initiative (see the Links page), fostering vocations

A Prayer for those who are sick 

Lord Jesus, our great High Priest,
we plead to you for our sisters and brothers
who suffer in body, mind, or spirit.
As you bore the suffering of the Cross for us,
so help them bear their pain now.
Enfold them in your loving embrace,
carry them through their trials,
and let them know your strength
undergirding all they go through.
And in your loving mercy, we ask
that you will grant them the healing 
that they need.
Walk with them, Gentle Saviour,
to give them courage and faith.
And above all, help them know
that they are never alone.


Pray for peace of Jerusalem, as the psalmist exhorts us.

Pray for the peace of all the Middle East.

Pray for the success of negotiations to bring about a just and lasting peace between Palestine and Israel.

Pray for the members of Christian Communities threatened with death unless they leave their homes or convert to Islam, and for an end to conflict in Iraq and Syria

"Give peace in our time, O Lord, because there is none other that fighteth for us, but only thou, O God." (words from the prayers at Evensong) 

Please pray for those whose marriage is to take place in Saint Francis' during this year 

O God, you have taught us through your Son
that love is the fulfilling of the law.
Grant to your servants that loving one another
they may continue in your love until their lives end.
Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen.




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