Saint Francis' Church is easily accessible from the main entrance.  There is a ramp for wheelchair access through the main doors.  Once inside you will find everything available on one level.

If you need assistance when walking or and other assistance please ask one of our Welcome Team who will be only too happy to provide any assistance they can.

If you are unable to go forward to receive communion because of illness or disability then please let the Welcome Team know and they will ensure that Communion is brought to where you are seated.

Saint Francis' Church has an induction loop for those that have hearing difficulties.  Please select the 'T' switch on your hearing aid.

We also have large print service booklets available as you enter Saint Francis'.

If you are unable to attend Church because of disability or continued bad health then please contact one of the clergy who will make arrangements to visit and bring Holy Communion to you.

We want to make sure that Saint Francis' Church becomes your second home and therefore please let us know if there is anything we can do to make the Church more accessible for you or others you know.


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